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1 Resultado de traducción para whip up en español


whip up verb

unfavorite favorite
fomentar, incitar, despertar, provocar; preparar, improvisar

Sinónimos de
whip up verb

Sinónimos detallados para whip up verb

Ver: Stir

whip noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
látigo, azote, fusta (de jinete); miembro de un cuerpo legislativo encargado de disciplina

Ejemplos de uso de
whip noun

  • The rider cracked his whip and the horse began to run.
  • Please do not use your belt as a whip.

Traducción inversa para whip up

fomentar  - to foment, to stir up, to promote, to foster 
incitar  - to incite, to rouse 
despertar  - to arouse, to wake, to awaken, to wake up, to elicit, to evoke 
provocar  - to provoke, to cause, to provoke, to pique 
preparar  - to prepare, to make ready, to teach, to train, to coach 
improvisar  - to improvise, to ad-lib, (figurative) to play it by ear 
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